To be fair, this is her with Ana's Nanoboost, and played by someone who, from what I understand, is one of the best Mercy players out there. Just something to keep in mind.
This also brought me to possibly my favorite fan Overwatch animation.
That 5 rez should have been potg! Anyway, I seen a lot of hate on the new changes. I personally don't think this is as bad as Roadhog or Ana's changes, its still good balance for her. Why? Because Rez is still an exclusive ability of hers, no one else can perform that role "better" cuz no else does rez. Where as Ana she does weak damage considering the more difficult aim required and how zenyatta with discord, and even headshots lucio can do more damage than her.
Event ends I believe today or tonight? Or maybe early tuesday? I managed to get everything in the end thankfully but I had to buy 2 skins with currency in order to do so and grind like crazy.
Yeah, it also helps that her new Ult has a strong healing portion of it too -- the fact that half the time most people, including myself, might waste it with shooting everybody is more on us.
That 5 rez should have been potg! Anyway, I seen a lot of hate on the new changes. I personally don't think this is as bad as Roadhog or Ana's changes, its still good balance for her. Why? Because Rez is still an exclusive ability of hers, no one else can perform that role "better" cuz no else does rez. Where as Ana she does weak damage considering the more difficult aim required and how zenyatta with discord, and even headshots lucio can do more damage than her.
Event ends I believe today or tonight? Or maybe early tuesday? I managed to get everything in the end thankfully but I had to buy 2 skins with currency in order to do so and grind like crazy.
I get really unlucky with my Mercy potg's. When I actually do something really good I never get it, but when I do a mediocre 3 man rez that still loses us the fight I always get it.
Personally, I love the new Mercy changes. Her new rez has the ability to keep the momentum going and sustain fights for longer. And it counters one shots. And her ultimate allows for so many options and play styles. If you lose 2 people at the start of a fight you can rez, ult, and rez to bring them back imediately. You can ult preemptively to heal your entire team through a load of damage. You can ult to damage boost combos. You can ult to go battle Mercy and add to your teams damage. I even used it once to get past the choke on Eichenwalde and pressure the enemy team back after not being able to get past it as a team. Or you can use it to escape from DVA and Genji ults. It's pretty great. The only thing I would change is the rez range, it just feels too close, and is sometimes hard to target.
Well I ended up buying loot boxes in order to get the McCree skin. At first I was excited by the change to duplicates, but I end up getting so much less currency now.
Well I ended up buying loot boxes in order to get the McCree skin. At first I was excited by the change to duplicates, but I end up getting so much less currency now.
I'm pretty sure that was their plan all along. Less duplicates equals less currency, which means that people who really want a specific skin are more likely to spend actual money on loot boxes to get it.
Well I ended up buying loot boxes in order to get the McCree skin. At first I was excited by the change to duplicates, but I end up getting so much less currency now.
Yep. You only start to get good currency once you get almost everything for the event. I also recommend strongly to grind all regular stuff now that even is off. Because my event boxes what they did was give me every doomfist voiceline, every spray, every icon and stuff that I dont care but it does it so that it won't give you a dupe.This way you can make the next event boxes drop like 2-4 event items more frequently too and then get more chance of dupe currency in the long run.
Another trick I noticed (mind you it takes forever to execute) is that if your literally missing just two legendary event skins, and have everything else of the event, if you got currency you should buy one of them, and then it increases highly the chances of getting the other one on a lootbox. It happened to me, bought mccree, instsntly got widow next box. This is because the algorithm is fully pushed on that skin now for not being a dupe, one obligatory event item and no other legendaries to divide the chances of possibility, just a theory though lol.
My 20 dollar paid boxes only gave me mercy skin and then another bunch of crap earlier this season.
New patch up with the deathmatch mode added to arcade and its new map. As well as the Junkrat, Roadhog, Orisa and Widowmaker changes previously on PTR. Dva and Mercy changes will be for another time. link of detailed patch notes. At first I was going to say deathmatch free for all is the absolute worst thing ever lol, but I adjusted and managed to win one with Mccree. Its actually pretty good place to practice your aim as well, particularly getting headshots. The map is interesting. If your facing pharah's this is an excellent place to practice dealing with pharahs for example, practice against tracers, etc.
Tried the new modes. Don't know which is worse, FFA when there is a clear bias for certain heroes and it keeps putting you in matches alr in progress so how the fuck is it fair when everyone else alr have a lead + ult charge; or team deammatch where everyone just goes around doing their only shit like the toxicity that is in comp and quick play.