Post by farferello on Dec 28, 2021 20:35:55 GMT
I did the same thing, did all the open world stuff so I only had the Rogue date - Kerry stuff - ending left to do. It was a mistake because waiting to advance Kerry's quests became a pain as I had literally nothing left to do in the game and sometimes I had to wait days and days to get him to call and half the time I had to go run around in his home then run outside before he'd call me. Ugh, lesson learned for my new playthrough, don't do everything before the main story.
But you're not wrong, the ending suddenly landslides into constant Johnny stuff, and I guess Kerry and some of the old crew kinda needed that one last gig (especially if you choose the guy who got out of rehab over the girl for the band) but it was just way too much Johnny stuff one after the other. I was still pretty angry at him for a lot of things but I admit I did get hit in the feels when it came time to say goodbye to him. For the secret ending I don't think you need the high approval with him (though I was at 70% friendship) but rather it's based on dialogue options in the Chippin' In quest. You have to take specific choices, get the opportunity to do the Rogue/Johnny assault, and then instead of confirming it's what you wanna do after picking 'think you and Rogue should go' you just have to sit there for like five minutes and if you did all the correct dialogue in Chippin' In, Johnny will then open up the secret ending.
There was so much the game could have done but it just felt wasted and hastily re-written to shoehorn so much of Johnny into the game. I wish we'd had more time without him, it was rare when I didn't want to punch him in the face and it was only really in the Kerry stuff and riiiiiighht at the end when I picked the secret ending that he felt like less of a shitter. The game is all over the place, so many things could have been expanded on like the rogue ai, the blackwall, cyberpsycho's, there's the quest like with the Mayor candidate and his wife being spied on and their memories changed, Lizzy Wizzy rapidly approaching cyberpsycho stasis, but... nothing. I got to the point where I did every single quest, every bit of open world stuff - I kinda thought maybe the Fixer's might call be with new jobs after clearing out their neighbourhood for them, or maybe a 'thanks' but... nothing. Just nothing.
My other issue were the romances (and serious lack of choices, and also the whole 'sex sells, here's 500 ads of naked women or women being degraded and like 4 of guys.') The romances just seem stupidly gated (both Panam and River will romance you with same sex voice/genitals but you have to have opposite sex main body) and Kerry is only a gay option despite being canon bisexual, so there's some bi erasure on top of it. I am glad at least that he does eventually bring up that 'it doesn't matter' if it's Johnny or not because a good chunk of time with him just felt like he was constantly disappointed it was V and not Johnny that he was with, and I get that so much of his life involves hang ups with Johnny but that's not what you want breathing down your neck in the romance. At least the near ending bit with you both waking up in your shiny new mansion if you do the Sun ending kinda puts to bed the fear that he was only with you because Johnny. I do hate the stupid Crystal Palace Heist that follows however. I mean, I head canon that my V lives because shenanigans but for game canon you're wasting what little time you have left on some random ass heist instead of spending your time with your loved ones ugh.
Speaking of Panam and the Nomad ending, it's felt by many to be the 'best' ending - probably because dude bros get to be with their waifu, and guys playing fem!V get to be with Judy it in (even if Panam is only seen at your side in it) meanwhile both guys stay back in Night City, and it's kinda bittersweet. I'm also just ugh that the Nomad ending kills off Saul so Panam once again comes out on top every time. She constantly fucks up during the Nomad stuff but comes out smelling of roses each time. (I won't get started on the fact I turned her down multiple times and she still tried to fuck me in the tank.) Kerry feels more in denial about you having little time left, and River just feels hurt that he can't go with you and it's like you're keeping things from him. The vibe was very different between the two when I replayed the secret ending after locking each one in.
I know all the shit endings fit the 'theme' that ya know, you don't get out of Night City alive, but holy shit is it just depressing as fuck no matter what ending you pick.
Which is why as far as I'm concerned Alt was wrong about the 6 months thing and V lives happily ever after because fuck you game.
I'm glad you didn't have too many issues though. I had some t-posing now and then, some npcs were missing their legs for some reason, but the main problem I had was crashing. I probably crashed at least 30 times in my 100 hour playthrough. This game just absolutely hated my CPU.
Post by mediocreogre on Dec 29, 2021 1:48:33 GMT
Oh yeah. I saved all the Johnny stuff until I had done all the stuff I was going to, so waiting for Kerry to call was silly, compared to at the start of Act 2 it felt like Panam was calling me every five minutes. I also did try to initiate the Secret Ending, but it either doesnt work at level 37 or at only 60% approval. I loaded up on some more complicated mods to try a new character, but my game kept crashing (I am pretty sure its something to do with the AMM animation mod thing).
But yeah its hard to really tell if the original, pre Keanu CP2077 would have been better, but at least to me thw combat (shotgun on highest difficulty) was not super fun (something about the shooting and the interface imo, those little colored loot icons are obnoxious), but also the enemies were pretty bland. Adam Smasher was not only an uninteresting villain in this (in the TT he apparently has a post Johnny phase where he upgrades to a sex doll body) with like zero motivation to be in NC, but also he's just not fun to fight. Really was disappointing how uncreative the enemies were.
I think, the more I think about it though, the issue is how they handled Johnny. Not the best gameplay, bugs, can all be excused by a great story, and I kind of think a lot of people were just meh about the post Johnny story. Most of the character growth after Jackie dies becomes his growth. The motivations for quests are like, do you trust a guy who has been dead for 50 years and is kind of killing you, or do you trust a corpo. And thats kind of not that engaging of a situation because clearly engaging with Johnny is the best choice from a meta perspective but from an in character perspective Johnny only causes problems and while the Relic saves you, he's only sort of responsible for saving us sometimes. Where as Takemura sacrifices a lot to save us, and he's a living, breathing person with somewhat direct contacts with Arasaka. But the only character growth comes from Johnny, but because so much of the game is letting him drive, you actually take control of his choices, so it kinda feels weirdly unsatisfying as it still kind of feels like your actions as the PC not as changing a character because of player choice. They tried, but seeing as a lot of the endings also just kind of drop you into a "stuff still sucks" and only a few have cliff hangers, its kind of hard to feel engaged or invested in the endings.
Telling us you played hours of gameplay, did all the things, and now you're still gonna die, is just... not a good way to end the story, especially because again, I liked my V, i thought the VA was great, but their character growth was pretty flat, their motivations weak (its amazing the Big Bad you fight, Adam, is not even someone you personally care about), and that all of act 3 if you go the non Panam "good" endings is essentially with out V, your character, its just weird. And doesnt satisfy. Sure I was sad for Johnny, but technically he's not dead. So I don't feel that bad for him. And then boom, suddenly the game is ending, I'm dying, and basically have little to no control over V, yet again, doing some new gimmicky thing to try and survive. It's anticlimactic.
And yeah, Panam is like... a case study in writing bad characters. She's angsty because she thinks no one likes her, but actually she's the best, they all love her, and they are testing her! And she messes up constantly in a quirky way but there are no consequences because somehow she succeeds by being carried by V! And that is the set up for romance! God you can just smell the nerd bro sweat from that writing room lol.
And honestly I have no idea how my PC ran the game well... it makes no sense. But again, I just added a bunch of mods and it was like... instant crashes. Especially when i tried to use a mod that changed V's apartment with the AMM.
Post by farferello on Dec 29, 2021 12:01:26 GMT
I don't think you could have done it at level 37 anyway unless you had a super powerful build. Even at level 50 and nearly 5k armour I struggled, but that may just be because the area is really not set up for a stealthy-netrunner build where you're constantly ambushed and rushed at from the get go. Smasher wasn't a problem but all his buddies and not being able to heal did make it a little dicey for me. Do you remember what dialogue choices you made during Chippin' In as I'm pretty sure that's the only thing needed, not the 70% friendship. (But if it comes to it you can always mod to unlock the ending if not.) There's no special achievement however, so the only real difference between secret and Rogue is that you go solo and you're in control not Johnny/Rogue lives. You're totally right on this - though even then the Johnny growth is very bipolar where one moment he's nice and the next he's being a dick out of nowhere, his personality changes so often you get whiplash and I think the game wants you to care more about him and his old crew and what he wanted but without giving you any real reason to. Sure Saburo and Arasaka are responsible for the chip and what happened to Johnny but A: Johnny was a terrorist who blew them up and B: V and co made the decision to steal the chip and then slot it in their head. Though I guess if they hadn't done the latter they would have been as dead as Jackie. I much would have preferred if Jackie got shot in the head with the chip instead of bleeding out. Might have been more interesting toward the end of having to choose between him and Johnny, but I guess they couldn't ram Johnny down your throat so much that way. I did like Takemura, but dude, I'm never gonna side with Arasaka... he's so pissy in the phonecall at the end if you don't do the Devil ending. I'm kinda tempted to just not rescue him in other playthroughs. I got really attached to my V. I was already attached before I played him, and my heart ached in those moments where he finds out he's dying and he's scared, the VA really nailed it for me. So knowing the endings were just 'choose a shade of you're going to die no matter what' was very disappointing and something I plan to ignore. At least in the secret ending you get to play as V rather than Johnny controlling V. (I don't get why V couldn't go as himself in the actual Rogue version of the ending. I know Johnny says V's body is rejecting him and that he can control the body but... well... I managed just fine in my own body when I assaulted Arasaka completely on my own with zero help from anyone.) I guess they just wanted even more reason and opportunity to make you play as Johnny. A reason that on three out of the four planned characters I have, I plan to do the Secret ending over the basic Rogue one. (I'm also just meeeeh that if you get Rogue, or the Nomad's help then someone just has to die in the Smasher fight.) The Panam stuff is so cringe. I hated her at first because she was such a bitch and then suddenly they were acting friendly and then more suddenly she's propping her legs up on my V and acting put out when he tells her he's not a damn chair (and then she keeps continuing this weird flirty stuff no matter how many times I tried to stop it.) Imagine if Kerry constantly came onto you every single time you interacted with him. The dude bros would have still cried foul the same way they cried when they fucked up because they didn't read and picked Angel over Skye at Clouds. (An encounter that you can immediately stop so idk why they were crying so hard.) I have the AMM mod and the apartment mod... I honestly couldn't tell you if it makes my game crash because my crashes are just so random. The only time I know when I've crashed specifically because of a mod is when I've been doing the camera injection mod so I can do third person screenshots of the romance stuff - but I know exactly when that's the problem because it happens as soon as I try to use the camera sometimes. The other crashes are utterly random. Driving? Clicking on something to buy? Dialogue? Phone call? Walking? I crashed at all of these sometimes with little reason why though I still suspect it's my CPU hating the game. I even got something so I could monitor my CPU/GPU in game because task manager wasn't trust worthy and I never actually hit 100% CPU according to it, but my GPU/CPU usage was always very high, even though my computer spec more than meets the requirements (and the game recommended everything set to max) but I've had to turn down a lot of in game stuff just because my specific CPU does not seem to like it, and when I looked into it, other people with the same CPU had the same problem.
Post by mediocreogre on Dec 29, 2021 16:37:46 GMT
From my fairly limited knowledge of code and engine programming is that the less stable and clean a base game is, the more unstable even professional level modding can be. And from talking to the only person I know whose tried to make CP2077 mods, the game itself is a frustrating mess under the hood. Their example was making a flash light mod, which caused crashes because the various menus and interfaces and guis in the game are inherently prone to crashes so the only light effect in the game being a type of menu overlay is a mini nightmare. But yeah I suspect the underlying issue why some rigs crash and others don’t is the fact the game appears to be held together by chewing gum.
And I thought about grinding to higher level to see if I could unlock the secret ending, but I’d rather use that as motivation for a new character. Cause otherwise I’d probably never do a full game play through, cause I have a serious problem finishing games. Also as much as in most shooters I play shotgun… somehow this game made shotgun too OP and not thaaaat fun. So even on the hardest difficulty setting and not overleveled, i could literally just run around Adam constantly spamming shots, critting, building cold blood, and regenerating what little damage he did to me. In a group of enemies… I don’t think I took damage anymore v
Post by farferello on Dec 29, 2021 18:27:27 GMT
You're probably not wrong on that. I have a whole ton of mods for this game and it is very possible that one of them is making the game cranky but the crash logs tell me nothing so I can't investigate it. I checked out all the mods and there's no specific mentions of crashes for the majority so I guess it's just a combo of stuff. But I'd rather quick save every five seconds and use mods than not be able to use things like AMM, because AMM has brought so much to the game for me, especially when I hyper focus on main characters I can swap with npcs. I have gotten many wonderful Kerry shots because of this.Good idea, a second playthrough doing more stuff might be better for you. I did literally everything I could on my first character and realized it changed nothing but remove the icons from the map. My newest playthrough I added an exp mod just so I can level up again quickly without having to do every last tedious crime in progress mission, and only hitting level 50 when I'm part way through the final mission assaulting Arasaka. Netrunner is also deliciously over-powered once you reach higher levels. I was able to lock down Oda, and Smasher and they couldn't do a thing to me. (I was outright bullying Oda during his fight, I felt mean. XD) And I only took a bit of damage in the Smasher fight from the mobs that spawned in half way through because they could shoot me from the ledges and I was more focused on Smasher than finding them at the time. My current playthrough is a Katana build and it's delightfully powerful so far, though I've not gotten too far on him yet. One of my Nomad runs will be Shotguns, and another Nomad will likely be quickhacks and tech sniper rifles so I can shoot through walls.
Post by mediocreogre on Dec 29, 2021 20:19:44 GMT
Yeah I got some good combat mods… I’m trying also to not have my character look like a 50 year old having a mid life crisis. But thats really hard. Also wish there was a mod to let one place sell all the vendor items cause there is no way I am not gonna punch Fingers but he’s the only one who sells certain things. Also the RNG of vendors sometimes not selling the thing you want is annoying.
Post by farferello on Dec 29, 2021 20:56:41 GMT
Probably 80% of my mods are either CC related ones, or clothing mods because I had a specific idea for my characters and the CC didn't allow it or the game had questionable choices for some tattoos. (I also wanted my Corpo V to be as gold and bling as his future boyfriend and only mods could provide that.) Though some mods on the Nexus for complexions make V look like they're a hard 50 and it's so confusing as to why you'd want that. I've replaced every single complexion in the game at this point and more than a few hairstyles.
RNG isn't fun, every time I upgraded to a new gun I had to travel to about four different gun shops before I found one selling Pax because for whatever reason revolvers I had crafted would not let me dissasemble them and neither would they let me remove the mods, and I reallly needed a Pax so I didn't blow off someone's head when I enjoyed pew-pewing with Johnny's gun too much. (I couldn't resist those sexy animations.) Not so much a problem on my Katana run because I am having far too much fun slicing and dicing - though I will need to pick up a gun/Pax at some point for Cyberpsycho encounters as I don't want to kill them, but also don't trust not accidentally lopping their head off.
Post by Lee on Dec 30, 2021 3:06:55 GMT
Honestly, I didn't think Fingers was nearly as bad as much of the other characters in the game. I've never punched him. -shrug-
Post by mediocreogre on Dec 30, 2021 5:17:54 GMT
Yeah I noticed the weird make V older skins. I think it’s his voice encourages people to imagine him older. Where as the girl mods mostly make the skins super young and tge classic video game girl with plastic for skin look.
I saw some of the gold detailing for bodies but I am not sure how to install those. Are they body textures or tattoos? I think I am going to try an intelligence build even though melee is appealing but I feel like it would be too similar to my last character for right now and I think my intelligence run will be corpo so fancier looking stuff would be nice.
As far as Fingers, it’s never explicitly stated, but his computer entries hint that he preys upon his female patients sexually and exchanges work for sexual favors. He also potentially lures self conscious girls to his clinic. There’s also dialogue that hints he might sexually assault them too.
but I did not punch him at first, but I read his PC, re loaded and did. It still kinda feels like CDPR was using slight queer coding to encourage dude bros to punch him, but I dunno. His PC gave me the creeps.
Post by farferello on Dec 30, 2021 5:19:56 GMT
Luckily there are mods to make male V look younger, I even use a body mod so my first character could look softer and have no abs because he's a skinny netrunner who has no reason to be so damn jacked. XD A lot of the fem V complexions are however young and overly pretty but that's always a thing in every game that had mods.
I don't think I punched him first time around just because I was playing non lethal and non aggressive. There were only a few characters who I did outright kill for various reasons (like the dude that abused Evelyn) most of the time I took the opposite choice, even if it did mean having to keep carrying unconscious bodies out to cars. Fingers is a creep though, I can't remember what he sells as I never checked after the quest was over.
The one I use that adds gold accents to the skin are scar/tattoo replacers which was fine for this character as he doesn't have either so I don't mind replacing them (it does mean I have to take the face gold accent out of my mod folder if I want to play my Street Kid however because it replaces his face tattoo.) There's also a cyberware arm I plan to use on one of my other characters possibly and that either replaces the default 'skin' or it replaces how the cyberware itself look. Another thing I do have are face tattoo edits. My first one I had a slightly edited version of the skull-esque tattoo as I didn't like the bit on the nose or around the eyes (also because the eye part would hide his eyeliner) for my Nomad V I have an edited version of his tattoo because the part that was on the chin clashed and looked dumb with his facial hair so it just kept the neck mouth/face wings.) I kinda wish we could mix and match just because some of the tats for the face are either just a little extreme or downright ugly.
Post by Lee on Dec 30, 2021 12:32:15 GMT
As far as Fingers, it’s never explicitly stated, but his computer entries hint that he preys upon his female patients sexually and exchanges work for sexual favors. He also potentially lures self conscious girls to his clinic. There’s also dialogue that hints he might sexually assault them too. but I did not punch him at first, but I read his PC, re loaded and did. It still kinda feels like CDPR was using slight queer coding to encourage dude bros to punch him, but I dunno. His PC gave me the creeps. Hmmm..."might" is such a grey area in a game where almost everyone is terrible. sadly! I don't like the guy either way, so to be clear I am not defending him by any means-but yeah if you like the upgrades he gives-it's hard to not be nice-ish to the guy. I really like the leg upgrade that lets me hover after high jumping. sadly no mods to work around the situation either way on console-I could get that leg upgrade before doing that quest mind you, but it's hard to have that much cash before late game that can be used on what's a very optional upgrade.
Post by farferello on Dec 30, 2021 12:38:52 GMT
I mean I spent 85% of my first playthrough being non lethal and then as I said to Lee, at some point I snapped and started killing people because I realized that all the people I had encountered outside of maybe some Cyberpsycho's were all fucked up and evil and I realized I was showing more kindness to these people by leaving them unconscious than what they had ever shown their victims. ...Which is why chopping the heads off of assholes now seems rather soothing. I grabbed the double jump leg upgrade and used it the entire time last playthrough. I'm really missing it whilst I don't have it on my newest V yet.
Post by Lee on Dec 30, 2021 12:43:20 GMT
I mean I spent 85% of my first playthrough being non lethal and then as I said to Lee, at some point I snapped and started killing people because I realized that all the people I had encountered outside of maybe some Cyberpsycho's were all fucked up and evil and I realized I was showing more kindness to these people by leaving them unconscious than what they had ever shown their victims. ...Which is why chopping the heads off of assholes now seems rather soothing. I grabbed the double jump leg upgrade and used it the entire time last playthrough. I'm really missing it whilst I don't have it on my newest V yet. double jump is great! It's bundled in with that one I mentioned-but it's harder to use cause the game keeps wanting to go with high jump instead (at least for me). So that is one thing about going the other way. But high jump does make for better exploration if you ever wanted to see what's just out of reach of v normally. (but it rarely helps much since there's generally a ladder or boxes to jump on in most cases of actual good loot)
Post by mediocreogre on Dec 30, 2021 14:13:32 GMT
Yeah it is weird how little they confirmed about Fingers one way or another. This game is so unsubtle about everything else. And with out mods (or console commands, you can technically just add his stuff on PC) I’d probably not punch him. And it is so weird that punching him, a non lethal choice, locks you out of his inventory more than say not punching him and then killing him later. Weirdly anti RPG strategy CDPR.
And the game is weird about non lethal in general. I honestly just shot people with my shotgun, but in the cyberpsychos quest…. Shooting them fatally still counted as not killing them for Regina (no non fatal mod just normal). Does melee stabbing not?
Post by farferello on Dec 30, 2021 14:43:38 GMT
I think some of the Cyberpsycho stuff and stealth/non lethal in general is a bit buggy. I know others have killed the Cyberpsycho's but then had Regina act like they'd taken them alive. I know I've done stealth runs where I've not been seen then had Fixer's get bitchy at me for not being stealthy - there's a lot of buggy annoyance with things like that and I restarted missions more than once because an enemy saw me through five walls a mile away and ruined my stealthy approach. I wish we could skip Braindances. Having to redo the intro one with Judy, and then do Evelyn's is just uuugh. River's was an annoyance just because there was so many things to find. It hurts my eyes after a while just like the glitch effect though at least I could mod out nearly all the glitch stuff when it comes to Johnny and the environment freaking out.
Post by mediocreogre on Dec 30, 2021 16:39:58 GMT
I saw a mod for skipping brain dances? Dunno if it works.
There are some awesome mods though. I added the one that lets you grab onto/climb/jump off walls. Pretty nice.
I also found a Fingers mod that works. You can buy from him after punching him. Though to get it to work you use the script extender thing and in that is a directory of all items so technically ups could just add his inventory, but I kinda don’t like that type of cheating.
I also thought I added a complexion to look under 30 but in game it looked like… 45, and I made a Street kid look the oldest I possibly could and am tempted to go with him. Balding, wrinkly, dad bod. Yes Mr. DeShaun my V is TOTALY going down in a blaze of glory before 30 and is not pushing 60. For sure.
Post by farferello on Dec 30, 2021 17:09:53 GMT
I'll have to look into it more. My Corpo is waiting to finish doing the Evelyn one. Instead I just keep playing around with other mods and figuring out how I want my two Nomad's to look. lol.
The script extender isn't too bad, a few mods I use, use it, and I've not had issues plus it's pretty handy.
Haha oh wow. There's a few 'HD' ones that have really older looking skin that makes V looks about 40. I just use mods from two people, the cyberwear/dark circle one I use for my main V, and then I use another mod for all of the other complexions. I'm still trying to figure out what freckles come under on the character creator though because it doesn't seem to be a complexion.
Post by mediocreogre on Jan 1, 2022 2:17:04 GMT
I found a cool tattoo, complexion, cyber stuff (why is there so few base game) that I like (was harder than I thought >.< cause some things conflict).
I also figured out why AMM wasn’t working. Was a classic case of a corrupt download cause internet speed. Re download and works. My apartment looks cool but now I need to figure out that Pandora’s box. I spawned Sasquatch to test (she’s at the top) in and she like grabbed me and looked like she was gonna kill me but did not do damage. Was a fun little moment, her coddling my 60 year old test V. , I got some fun new mechanics (jumping off walls, being able to have two cyber decks so you can quick hack and berserk, daemon net running, the nano drone), found a couple of neat threads, and now just need to figure out what build I want and background.
Post by farferello on Jan 1, 2022 11:17:29 GMT
Once you start finding mod stuff it spirals quickly lol. I have so many mods for CC stuff now, complexions, hair, makeup, tattoo's. Sometimes they conflict which sucks, there's a scar mod I like but it replaces a complexion rather than a scar so I can't use it on the character I want which is a shame. Still not as many mod options both CC and clothes as fem!V gets however but that's the same for every game with modding, the male option always gets far less content. I'm also kinda sad that clothes look different between the two genders as fem!V gets crop tops whilst masc!V gets full length shirts, and with modding fem!V gets access to certain outfits I'd kill for on my guys. (I just wanna show off my guys cool tattoo's but the only real choice is to go shirtless half the time.) Glad you figured it out and got it working. It takes a bit of fiddling but is pretty nice. I recently figured out how to properly use its positioning tool so I can change my V's location (or any npc) in photo mode to take better screenshots rather than be limited by the photo modes function that doesn't let you move your character enough, especially as some poses I have requires the character to be moved up/down which you can't really do in regular photo mode. Swapping npcs and using custom poses really adds to the rp aspect. Game won't let Kerry and my V go on proper dates so I will create the dates myself. Luckily for my Corpo V, Kerry can be swapped to regular npcs because they share the same default walk animation so I've managed to get all sorts of fun screenshots and scenarios with him, unlike other npcs (like River, and Placide) who don't share that animation so you can't swap them with random npcs without having to do complicated hex editing to make it work. (I should probably check on the other npc I plan to 'romance' with my new Nomad V, I'm not sure what animations he has.) But finding new mods to keep later playthroughs feeling fresh is always nice. I've currently put my Corpo V on hold because I had the overwhelming urge to play one of my Nomad's. I think my favourite mod so far is one that adds more quickslots so I can use grenades+camo, but it also puts food/water/misc consumables on the bar so I can actually use them. I might not need them very often but sometimes I would just eat and drink for immersion, but constantly having to go into the backpack to do it was tedious. Now I can just do it at will - though for immersion sake I probably should head to the apartment more often to sleep instead of cruising around at 3am breaking up fights. It's just a chore and sucks that even though we can get access to River/Panam/Judy (maybe Kerry's? I didn't check) home locations we can't actually sleep there despite the fact they say their home is our home. I'm still sad we can't decorate our own apartment.
Post by Lee on Jan 2, 2022 11:27:38 GMT
I am not much of a pc gamer, but the only thing I learned with modding is-I'm terrible at setting them up. I borked Dragon Age Origins really bad. I had to skip a good many scenes to keep the game from crashing-but I got Alistair pronz....so not all bad. I think the only game I have actually modded well is the sims games, but those are practically set up for them. I actually learned to modify items back in the original game, but I didn't stick with it. Maybe if I ever get a gaming pc I might actually put in some effort into getting good at such things. I know I'd like to be able to enjoy some of the older games I own on my pc-but play like shite on my laptop.